Plenary meeting rescheduled to next month


Details of the rescheduled plenary meeting.
Image provided by the Dublin City Public Participation Network.

As many in the community are aware, the plenary meeting and election of the new PPN Secretariat was due to take place yesterday. Though it was cancelled, it has now been rescheduled and will new fall on Thursday July 19th.

The meeting will take place at 6pm that evening in the Wood Quay Venue of Dublin City Council, with light refreshments being served.

Broadcaster and environmentalist Eanna Ni Lamhna will appear as a guest speaker on the evening. Registration to attend the evening can be done at

Opportunities are also available to have a more active role in deciding the direction of the work carried out by the Public Participation Network. Anyone who wishes to represent the community and influence whether by sitting on a committee or running events and training sessions can now do so. Information about the process and nomination forms can be found at, and nominations must be submitted by Friday July 1st.

By Kevin Carney