Geneva Pattison
The Public Participation Network, is an official link between local authorities and community groups, to keep everyone updated on changes on a local level. The PPN also serves as an opportunity for volunteers, community groups and others to have a greater say in local government decisions that will affect them directly.
The PPN updates for this month share valuable information on a service for older people in the community who may be struggling with technology issues. Generation Tech is an elderly friendly and volunteer led help service that can be accessed over the phone, for older people who may be encountering issues with computers or IT. The service is open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. Visit for more information or call 01 9633288 to talk to someone directly.
The National Economic and Social Council has been tasked with developing a well-being framework for Ireland, as requested by the Department of the Taoiseach. Going beyond the typical economic assessment of society, the new approach hopes to give a more holistic understanding of Ireland’s society as it currently stands and where we hope to be in the future.
The Bealtaine Arts Festival has begun and will be held online this year. The age and opportunity initiative has a whole host of arts talks and classes available to view, book and take part in. Some of the cultural things lined up include origami workshops, book clubs, history talks, photography projects, IMMA led talks and musical entertainment. To find out more and to book a place for a talk, visit for more information.
If you would like to get involved with the Public Participation Network or read more about the work they do, go to the website