Geneva Pattison
Dublin City Council have recently released updated plans for the Cultural Hub section of the Irish Glass Bottle development site. The application is to amend the Cultural Hub “meanwhile uses” section of the Phase 1 Permission, to allow for the construction of an “expanded meanwhile uses” facility on the site.
This would allow for 13 artists’ studios to be created, from existing shipping containers ranging from one to two containers n height and a communal workspace along with a gallery. A two storey Cafe unit would also be created. two story commercial units including a container farm and “wellness zone” with a pool tank. A three story town hall area, a separate outdoor waste collection area and outdoor bathrooms are also proposed.
A three story Marketing suite has been proposed along with a licenced food and drink emporium. An outdoor covered market for street vendors and and a screened off lawn section to use for events.
In terms of parking and bicycle parking infrastructure, there will be twenty three parking spaces available to cars and 180 bicycle parking spaces, with access for bikes available through the existing coastal path.
A small move forward for the Arts
The reason for the proposed amendments, as mentioned on the DCC published application is:
“The proposed development will promote the temporary use of vacant land for artistic, cultural and community uses with the aim of engaging young people in the arts, as well as being able to facilitate outdoor performances that will enliven the local street scene and provide character improvements, in response to the Dublin Docklands Social Infrastructure Audit 2015 prepared by Dublin City Council, the Dublin Docklands Development Authority and McCutcheon Halley Walsh.”
You can read the full application through the link below: https://planning.agileapplications.ie/dublincity/application-details/151269?fbclid=IwAR1RIHJmMxY4SNo8g4_9O6gkS8QBFjxh8NNwx86xt8c7eteDDJ1T0o60KKs
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