Three amazing dance classes to have you trim and fit for those sultry summer evenings up ahead

If those New Year’s resolutions of getting fit have fallen by the wayside by now (they definitely have! – Ed), and you feel a bit deflated, it is never too late to start looking after yourself and getting back on the exercise horse. Shauna Tilley and Danielle Doolin from Danspire are here to get you back on track with three adult dance fitness classes a week that consists of hour-long workout seshes that will have the body moving, the endorphins flowing and the calories burning with brilliant playlists that you cannot help but move to. (I personally think a music playlist can make or break an exercise class) and Shauna has that covered with the best music specifically picked for each different workout class.
Monday evenings is Dance Fit from 6.30pm-7.30pm in the lovely and spacious Cambridge Football Club and there are 15 people in this class. Because it’s a dance inspired theme, Shauna has drawn from lots of different sources like latin ballroom, Strictly Come Dancing and disco with really uplifting music to give you a boost of a Monday! It is a really friendly setting and very comfortable so if you feel a bit blah or out of your comfort zone getting back into a fitness class, you will not have any problems under Shauna’s guidance and warm enthusiastic nature and all the ladies make you feel very welcome.
All levels of fitness are acceptable as Shauna is really approachable. If you feel you are a total beginner, she will have you understand the easy to follow steps as they are shown beforehand so all you have to do is copy her and get into your own rhythm and what is comfortable for you. It is about having fun and when your mind is so focused on the different steps, you forget that you are working out and your body and mind are getting fit in the process. Win!
Dance is a brilliant deadly exercise and has so many benefits like improved condition of the heart and lungs, increased muscular strength, endurance and strength, while mentally it improves your mood while you learn, move and perform. Dance is also an effective type of exercise that raises your heart rate and increases balance and flexibility. Shauna always starts with a warm up that certainly gets you warm and then gets into the rest of the session. For every song played is the length of the workout. The whole body gets a look in but you don’t feel that it’s tough exercise as it’s enjoyment. Music like Candyman by Christina Aguilera, It’s Raining Men, Abba, Dirty Dancing, to name but a few really sets the pace and stamina for this class.

Then the cooldown involves stretching the entire body and relaxing the muscles. Everyone is happy and smiling and it’s a job well done.
Body Blast is Wednesday’s class at 7.15pm-8.15pm in Cambridge Football Club. This one is more fitness based and similar to a HIIT workout so it has the same impact. This one has pumping music with faster based dance moves and a lot of footwork. This class is high energy, proper jumping around and learning different steps keeping in time with the music. The routine is amazing with combat mode, squats, a chair routine and resistance bands. No part of the body is going to escape this one, I’m afraid. Even the warm up is fast.
Even your sweat is burning calories.
This routine will rev up your metabolism, improve your stamina, lower your blood pressure and improve brain health, mental health and memory.
It is a beast of a workout but once again, Shauna has the best routine and an epic playlist for this session so it does make it seem less of a challenge when you are singing the words in your head and loving the songs.
Cooling down then is very important as your body has to slowly recover and this is very important to prevent injury and reduce muscle soreness and stiffness the next day. #inbits
Friday’s class is called Walk Fit and the venue is the CYWMS at 10.30am-11.30am so it’s nice and early to start the weekend. Some of the ladies do all three workout classes so there are a few familiar faces and everyone has their spot where they stand. There are two mothers and daughters also in this class that enjoy doing the exercise together which is lovely. One lady in the class has reached 5,000 steps so that is a wonderful achievement.
Once everyone is ready, Shauna begins with lots of marching to start the warmup with arms moving to get the body warm.

These are very easy to follow steps and Shauna always explains what she is doing next and clearly explains each footwork and what is happening. This routine is based around functional fitness, making it easier to walk up and down stairs or getting up off chairs. This class is low impact with no jumping around but has the same effect of a full body workout.
This class can be effective for anyone needing an active recovery class to help build up muscle with resistance bands as well as using the chairs to improve your posture and be gentle on the joints.
Walk fit has the same key elements as the previous classes such as the socialising aspect and it is a physical workout in a different way. The playlist is also terrific with The Pointer Sisters, Dolly Parton, ABBA, Cher, Shakira! There’s also a mix of salsa, jive and rock n roll. All the steps count and do make a difference to the overall experience even if it’s not as intense as other routines. It’s still a full body workout and the calories are burning. You get to control how much you put into the steps which gives you complete control over how you move your body and how you push yourself.
As always the cool down is to help the body return to normal and it is so beneficial to practise deep breaths so all the muscles in your body take that cue to relax and take away any tension.
Shauna’s routines work because of her extensive knowledge and experience of being in the dance and fitness industry for over 20 years. Shauna is a qualified and licenced dance teacher, a dance fitness instructor with a vast range of skills that she incorporates into each class.
Shauna recently won the title of New Fitness Presenter of the Year and presented in Blackpool back in March at the International Fitness Showcase so all her hard work and perseverance has paid off and she will continue to build upon her long term plans that she and Danielle have for Danspire.
Danspire is a community driven dance and fitness company which Shauna and Danielle set up in 2021. Prior to this, in 2018 they used the name Shauna’s Dance Fitness and had been running the adult classes since then. They also had two trips to dance in the Blackpool Tower Ballroom in 2018 and 2019. Now it’s both adult fitness and kids dance activity classes so it has expanded further. They are still a huge hit on Tiktok since lockdown.
Shauna and Danielle are so passionate about getting the community actively involved in being fit. All classes are inclusive, giving everybody a chance to enjoy the benefits of exercise through dance while also having the craic and making friends. New members are always welcome and you’ll get so much more than a workout, so get in touch with Danspire on Facebook, on Instagram @danspire_official & start your journey.