
The Editor’s Corner

Undoubtedly the most pressing social issue facing us here in Ireland in the 21st century is housing. It is simply unacceptable that house prices are beyond the reach of even moderately affluent people, and that rents are allowed to escalate […]

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The Editor’s Corner

We have all been enjoying the spell of fabulous weather that graced these shores in the summer just past. It was delightful to see people, so long confined to barracks, as it were, out and about again enjoying an ice […]

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The Editor’s Corner

We all breathed a sigh of relief this year when April arrived. At last the first shoots of recovery and a return to living outside a straitjacket appeared on the horizon. However, the road map out is still hazy. We […]

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The Editors Corner February March 2021

Eoin Meegan With restrictions set to remain in place until March 5th at the earliest, many people are really beginning to feel the strain of this third lockdown. There’s just something about long dark evenings that makes days seem longer […]

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The Editor’s Corner – Dec/Jan 2021

The Editor's Corner – Dec/Jan 2021

So this is Christmas. And we are together at last. I think everyone will rejoice that we can meet loved ones and be with family again. We rejoice too that travel restrictions are lifted for the Christmas and New Year period,

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Editorial Observations

Eoin Meegan With the threat of Covid-19, the likelihood of a no-deal Brexit, and an uncertain economic future the issue of housing in this country was never more pressing. As a society we need housing that not only provides safety, […]

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Editor’s Corner

Beibhinn Byrne Welcome Back! It has been the worst of times and the best of times and how we have missed each other and the routine customs we took for granted. There is a lot to question and a lot […]

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The Editor’s Corner

Beibhinn Byrne Our front page on this issue is a snapshot of the resilience, community and hope that continues in daily life during these strange and disruptive days. Families, community groups and locals all over Dublin 4 and indeed the […]

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Beibhinn Byrne Vision. That’s the operative word for this upcoming election, this coming decade and it’s the theme of this issue. You can read potted bio and candidate’s visions (pages 20 & 21) in our double spread. What we vote […]

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Write it out

BY Kathrin Kobus The first month of the year 2020 is already passed the halfway mark, A new decade has begun and there is one strong advice we will have to follow throughout this year. Do not abbreviate simply to […]

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