
Help My House

Help My House

HMH Draught Q. My cottage is very draughty. Are there any cheap ways of fixing this? A. Draughts can account for a significant heat loss element in any house, even a well insulated house. This explains why on a frosty […]

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Fontenoy Files

Fontenoy Files

Success Comes Aplenty to Clanna Gael Fontenoy Recent weeks have brought plenty of excitement for the Clanna Gael Fontenoy Club, both on and off the playing field, bringing to an end another successful year. But it’s probably the achievements of […]

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DCC Notes

New website puts Dublin’s young creative community on the map DCC launched a new website mapping out arts and cultural events across the city including Dublin 4. The website called (Your Arts Map), shows Dubliners how to get to […]

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Naturopathic Nutrition

Naturopathic Nutrition

Vitamin D, the new kid on the block, is getting a lot of press and research attention lately and after the… er… ‘Summer’ we’ve just had, maybe it’s time we took notice. In times past, it was known that Vitamin […]

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Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is not specific to any one group or gender. That is the message Amen, the voluntary group who provide information to male victims, want you to remember this Domestic Violence Awareness Month. “It affects men, women and children,” […]

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Mongolia Follow-up

Mongolia Follow-up

Last month NewsFour reported on three medical students who were undertaking an epic 10,000 mile pan-continental road trip for charity in a second hand ambulance. The journey started in London and ended in the ancient Mongol capital of Ulaanbaatar, where […]

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€2.25 Billion Stimulus

€2.25 Billion Stimulus

In a bid to bolster the sluggish Irish economy, the Government announced a new stimulus package that provides €2.25 billion of capital investment. The plan aims to inject money into a variety of areas in a bid to improve the […]

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Oh baby, baby…

Oh baby, baby...

As far back as records go, Irish women have had more children than their sisters across Europe and today is no different, with Ireland leading the population growth league by a considerable distance. While the number of inhabitants within Europe […]

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US Election Fever

US Election Fever

The campaign to take the White House is in full swing, with President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney gearing up for the last few weeks of campaigning. Next week the candidates will partake in a series of debates that each […]

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