Local History

Joyce, Nora, and Ringsend

Joyce, Nora, and Ringsend

Did you know the first Bloomsday commemoration took place in 1954, on the 50th anniversary of the
events portrayed in Ulysses? The event was the brainchild of the Irish literati of the day, and saw Patrick Kavanagh, Flann O’ Brien, Anthony Cronin, A.J. Leventhal (registrar Trinity College), John Ryan (editor of the Envoy) and Tom Joyce, a cousin of the authors, attempt to retrace the steps of Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus.

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Rolling Back The Gears: Personal Cycling Tales and Memos

B.J. Quinn Today we are in a boom time for bicycles. Throughout the lockdown, rusty bikes were dusted and sales of new ones skyrocketed. The quieter roads, anxiety over public transport, and a surge in people taking up exercise has […]

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Donnybrook Marks the Passing of Local Legend

Theresa Doyle & Christy Doyle On January 2nd last Donnybrook mourned the passing of one of its oldest and most loved residents, Thomas (known affectionately as Tommy) Doyle. Tommy sadly passed away in Vincent’s Hospital only nine months after his […]

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The History of Dublin’s Trams: A Rail-Life Story

Peter McNamara Dublin City was once home to one of the most advanced and extensive tram networks in Europe. At the turn of the 20th century, Dublin United Tramways could boast of being one of the finest services on the […]

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Peeling Back The Pages 1986

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Birth of a New State

Dermot Carmody On January 16th 1922 there was a brief and informal ceremony in Dublin Castle in which the castle was handed over (or surrendered, depending on what angle you look at it from) to the Provisional Government of Ireland […]

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Gavan Bergin “Bud will always be remembered as one of the greats” (The Limerick Leader) On September 21st 1949, in front of a 50,000 crowd at Goodison Park, Liverpool, England played the Republic of Ireland at home for the first […]

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Maritime Roads

David Carroll Dublin remembers her honourable seafaring past in her modern highways “To the men of the Mercantile Marine who faced all the perils of the ocean to bring us essential supplies the nation is profoundly grateful.” Taoiseach Éamon de […]

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Snapshot of a Dublin Past along the Shelly Banks

Paul Brannock “I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide. Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied.” (John Masefield) Another New Year and another new day. Friday […]

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US Embassy Relocation: The Past and Future of an Icon

Peter McNamara Plans by the US embassy to move into the former Jury’s Hotel site in Ballsbridge have been backed by local city councillors. The embassy, currently headed by deputy chief of mission, Alexandra McKnight, is located where Elgin Road […]

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