This Week on NewsFour: 18th-22nd August

The Strypes at Enable Ireland. Pic: Enable Ireland

The Strypes at Enable Ireland.
Pic: Enable Ireland

Enable Ireland No Limits Challenge
Want to get fit and have a great motivation to do so? Enable Ireland are running their No Limits Gym Challenge, as part of their national fundraising and awareness campaign which takes place each September.
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Heritage Week at the National Print Museum
The National Print Museum will be celebrating Heritage Week with a Family Fun Day this weekend! The free event will see printing demonstrations teaching visitors to be printers for the day, as well as face painting, children’s workshops and self-guided arts and crafts activities in the Education Area.
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Culture Night 2014
September 19th will see hundreds of events happening at venues across the country as part of Culture Night 2014, so book now to avoid disappointment!
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Spanish Films at Pearse Street Library
This week saw the beginning of Pearse Street Library’s Spanish Film Season.
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Cinema Roundup: August 22nd.
See what our resident expert has to say about the week’s new releases: Marion Cotillard’s Two Days, One Night, romantic comedy What If starring Daniel Radcliffe, supernatural thriller Deliver Us From Evil, disaster movie Into The Storm, and long-awaited sequel Sin City 2.
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Don’t forget that you still have a chance to win one of two Season Passes to the Dublin Coffee and Tea Festival in the RDS. Click here to find out how you could win!