The Culinary Corner


Every year we use land 165 times the size of Ireland to grow food that is never eaten.

Wasted food was high on the agenda at the recent Climate Conference in Paris. It was the UN’s conclusion that if the amount of food wasted around the world was reduced by 25% there would be enough food to feed all the people who are malnourished.

This startling fact came to us via Foodcloud: the social enterprise that was set up by Iseult Ward and Aoibheann O’Brien. See what they are all about by following this link to a NewsFour feature on them:

As part of their operation they circulate a monthly newsletter which is aimed at reducing food waste in the home. By being mindful of our own food usage it is possible to contribute to the overall ethos of Foodcloud while reducing our own food bill. That is a win-win situation not to be ignored.

Boston Salad with Toasted Almonds
1/4 cup sliced almonds
6 cups of lettuce
1 cup fresh parsley and coriander leaves
10 chives, cut into 1-inch lengths
4 to 5 tablespoons Italian vinaigrette
Heat oven to 200ºC. Spread the almonds on a rimmed baking sheet and toast, tossing occasionally, for five minutes.
In a large bowl, toss the lettuce, parsley, coriander, chives, and almonds with the vinaigrette.
Sprinkle the toasted almonds over the top of the prepared salad, grab a fork and enjoy.

Green Salad with Avocadoes
1 avocado – peeled, pitted, and cubed
4 cups mixed salad greens
1/2 cup sliced almonds
60g feta cheese, crumbled
Dressing of your choice
Coat the avocado cubes with the dressing. Add the salad greens, and toss to coat.
Sprinkle sliced almonds and feta cheese over the top and serve!

These healthy salad recipes are from their blog Why not give them a go and sign up! You may also like to check out these social media links:

By Maria Shields O’Kelly