There were two meetings of the Dublin City Council’s South East Area committee over the months of October and November.
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Local picture roundup
Mr Tilly lights up his house on Bath Avenue.
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Gluten-free – The new awareness
Coeliac Disease concerns a person’s inability to break down and digest food containing the protein called gluten which is found in such cereals as wheat, barley and rye.
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D4CoderDojo for kids in Sandymount
D4CoderDojo is returning for another year and will be open for business throughout this school term.
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The Culinary Corner
Gingerbread lattes.
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A happy and healthy Christmas
With Christmas only weeks away, we begin to see our social calendars rapidly fill up. Christmas for me is always such a joyous, happy and merry occasion, but it can certainly get overwhelming!
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Bouncing High – Dublin 4 basketball on the rise
In our present climate in Ireland, where outdoor sports such as rugby and football can be hampered by its unpredictability, resulting in cancellations and frustrated players all kitted out and nowhere to go, it’s surprising that an indoor sport like basketball that uses skills involved in both of those games is not played more.
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Sporting history beyond the Oval Rugbytown: The Sporting History of D4
‘Rugbytown: The Sporting History of D4’, a recent book release by local history and sports enthusiast, Kurt Kullmann, was recently launched at Railway Union Clubhouse, Sandymount.
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Events in Pearse Street Library this week
Pearse Street Library will play host to poetry readings and film screenings over the course of the next two days.
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New Year, New You with Railway Union
Sandymount’s Railway Union is giving residents of Dublin 4 a chance to get fit in 2017 by taking on new members for the New Year.
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Matthew “Gunner” Reilly
Over a century ago, Matthew Reilly from Donnybrook became one of the first Dubliners to make a successful career as a footballer in England.
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New York Marathon Man
Joe McDermott, Thorncastle Street, is pictured in action at the New York City Marathon.
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Railway Union winter news
Railway Union winter news.
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Juveniles and Minors excel at Clanns
The last fixture of the season for our U16 footballers was a momentous occasion as it was their last game at juvenile level for a group of players who have been playing together since they were U8s.
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The Cinema Corner – December 16th
The Christmas movies continue in Dublin cinemas this week. Scrooge, the wonderful 1951 adaptation of Charles Dickens’ seasonal tale, featuring an iconic performance by Alastair Sim in the the title role, plays all week at the Irish Film Institute.
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