Geneva Pattison
Post Lockdown
What did you do in Lockdown ?
Why are you asking me
I don’t know what day it is.
Are you from RTE ?
No l am not learning a new language
Nor reading the latest books
Keeping body and soul together
Away from all you folks.
I hit the stores with a vengeance
For essentials, you know
Its a warzone in Tescos
For toilet rolls and sourdough.
The presses are heaving
The fridge is now full,
The freezer is groaning
With the sudden overflow.
I don’t read the papers,
Nor listen to the news
I concentrate on gardening
To bring peace to my soul.
It cant last l tell myself
Morning noon and night
I’m not any calmer nor wiser,
My motto, fight or flight.
By, Áine Ní Chaoimh