
Ringsend Goes Green . . .

Ringsend Goes Green . . .

For the first time Ringsend Park has received the prestigious Green Flag Award, the international mark of quality and standard of parks and green spaces. The Green Flag Award was introduced in 2015 and is administered by An Taisce with the aim of recognising and rewarding good park management

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The Vexed Problem of Public Toilets

The Vexed Problem of Public Toilets

When nature calls we all share a common objective – to get rid of waste substances from the body. While we may not use this particular phrase, nevertheless, access to a toilet is a basic need, especially in a city with an expanding population. When this service is diminished every citizen is affected,

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Sandymount Strand a no-swim zone

Sandymount Strand a no-swim zone

Officials have declared Sandymount Strand a no-swim zone for the entire season over water fears. This is disappointing news indeed as many people like to take a dip during the summer months (especially with early predictions of a hot summer to come when the mercury is set to rise), however the beach has failed

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Information notice: Codling Wind Park

Information notice: Codling Wind Park

Codling Wind Park is hosting a Public Information Sharing event on May 1st in Sandymount Community Centre. We are inviting people/groups from the community along to view our virtual reality experience and to learn more about the project and Community Benefit Fund.

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EcoKidz: How Children are Changing our World

EcoKidz: How Children are Changing our World

What exactly are EcoKidz? It’s very much the brainchild of Mary Coyne and began here in Sandymount. Mary told NewsFour: “We are four preschool and after schools in Dublin 2 and Dublin 4. We wanted to focus on caring for our planet and we encourage our children to recycle and reduce energy costs

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Dodder Greenway Project 

Dodder Greenway Project 

The Dodder Greenway project got underway in February last with the opening of the Ballsbridge to Donnybrook section, a 480 m stretch that runs from Energia Park in Donnybrook to Anglesea Bridge in Ballsbridge and is a welcome attraction for cyclists and pedestrians alike, adding to the greening of our city. The greenway

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Dublin Port Company Unveils New Bicycle Racks at Great South Wall

Dublin Port Company Unveils New Bicycle Racks at Great South Wall

Dublin Port Company (DPC) is pleased to unveil a set of bicycle racks that have been recently installed at the Great South Wall to support the growing number of people who are accessing the popular location by bike. This new facility – ideally located at the start of the Great South Wall – will allow up to

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Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Dreaming of a Green Christmas

As a wise man in mutton chops once sang, it’s Chriiiiiistmaaaaasss! But surely you knew that already, what with the abundance of tinsel and fairy lights decorating Dublin city streets and shops since late October. Snowmen and gingerbread men – miniature, inflatable, edible

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Sandymount Flood Defences Fiasco

Sandymount Flood Defences Fiasco

The Sandymount and Merrion Residents’ Association (SAMRA) has said that the ten-year delay in the start of construction of enhanced flood defences along Strand Road in Sandymount was totally unacceptable. While there are flood defences currently in place, the enhanced flood defences are needed

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Campaign Launched by SAMRA to stop Giant Container Terminal Overlooking Sandymount Beach

Campaign Launched by SAMRA to stop Giant Container Terminal Overlooking Sandymount Beach

The Sandymount and Merrion Residents’ Association (SAMRA) has launched a campaign to stop Dublin Port building a 15-acre container terminal on the Poolbeg Peninsula in Dublin City beside the Irishtown Nature Park, Sandymount Beach, and future homes for 10,000 residents.

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