
Pillowcase campaign join strong coalition this Saturday

Pillowcase campaign join strong coalition this Saturday

The housing and homeless situation has generated so many activist groups that there was nearly a new one setting up every week. Now they’ve formed a coalition, strength in numbers. If the numbers of the homeless and rent increases don’t […]

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Patrick’s Rowing Club fundraiser for Karl Doyle

By Kathrin Kobus St.Patrick’s rowers have done their bit at the National indoors championships, now they call out to their D4 community and not just Raytowners to come along on March 30th to Ringsend Library. Not just to showcase their […]

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Interactive learning at the Print Museum

By Geneva Pattison The National Print Museum in Beggar’s Bush prides itself on being a cultural venue that promotes education, learning and conservation of the ancient craft of printmaking. More recently, it has added to its tour facilities by introducing […]

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Who said print is dead?! Learn both physical and digital printing at PrintLab this Saturday at the award winning National Print Museum

Who said print is dead?! Learn both physical and digital printing at PrintLab this Saturday at the award winning National Print Museum

By Geneva Pattison   Have you ever wanted to design your own poster or card? Well now you have the chance to materialise those design ideas and get your creativity flowing this coming Saturday, the 16th. at the launch of […]

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Climate change talk in St Mary’s church on Haddington Road this Thursday

Climate change talk in St Mary's church on Haddington Road  this Thursday

Lecture in St. Mary’s Church HADDINGTON ROAD The Patrick Finn Lecture Series   Climate Change: Care for Our Common Home This lecture will put the Encyclical in the context of global and local concerns and initiatives, and explore practical issues […]

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A healthy future ahead through your local library at Pearse St

A healthy future ahead through your local library at Pearse St

We all know healthy living will make you live longer but actually abiding by the 5-7 a day veg and fruit rule is next to impossible. With so much variety nowadays in supermarkets and in take-aways and restaurants, one expects […]

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Free Dietitian Led XPERT Course for Type 2 Diabetes in Pearse Street Library

Free Dietitian Led XPERT Course for Type 2 Diabetes in Pearse Street Library

A free 6 week course to help you manage your Type 2 Diabetes is starting on Monday the 28th of January at Pearse Street library. It will be delivered in the morning time by the HSE Community Dietitian. The award-winning […]

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TradFest begins next week in Temple bar

TradFest begins next week in Temple bar

TradFest begins next week across the city bringing the public some much needed jovial times after the long quiet weeks after Christmas. They’ve got Sean nós singing and songwriting workshops, multi-instrumentalists, bagpipes, bodhráns, the whole kaboodle. Some gigs are free, […]

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The Art of Mental Health Festival

The Art of Mental Health Festival

The art of mental health? Conjures up in my mind that drawing from a sufferer of schizophrenia trying to explain the disease to someone (see photo). Although that painting is raw in its form it encompasses a lot of what […]

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Reach Out and Touch Me, The Art of Intimacy

      By Peter McNamara What is intimacy, and can it be quantified, optimised, or commodified? Will technology compromise the future of human connection, or bring us all together in new and exciting ways? Intimacy is the name and […]

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