
Get Ready, Get Set, GoCar

Get Ready, Get Set, GoCar

Last week I had a drive in a new car which offers a new concept in car ownership in Ireland. We have always been obsessed with owning a car, but now with the recession we have become more aware of […]

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They Came, They Scored Touchdowns, They Won

They Came, They Scored Touchdowns, They Won

One or two of you may have noticed the swarms of American football fans who landed in Dublin on the weekend of September 1st. As NewsFour reported in our last issue, the college football brilliance of the Fighting Irish of […]

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Remembering Noah

Remembering Noah

Jason and Debbie Reid’s world was turned upside down when their unborn son Noah was diagnosed with Potters Syndrome/Bilateral Renal Agenesis, which is a condition that inhibits the formation of kidneys in the foetus. With the support of family, friends […]

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Local Rugby Sunsation

Local Rugby Sunsation

Members and supporters of Monkstown Rubgy Football Club (MRFC) got together and hit Sandymount Strand to raise much-needed funds for charity. Through the generosity of the local community, the event was an amazing success. Sunday 19th August saw a 55-strong […]

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Well Done Team Ireland

Well Done Team Ireland

On Wednesday 15th August NewsFour got a special invite to meet Team Ireland’s Olympic medal winners in the Mansion House. Katie Taylor, John Joe Nevin, Paddy Barnes and Michael Conlon were overjoyed with the results they got in London 2012 […]

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