Basking in the Moonlight

Poolbeg 1

David Costello, a fulltime video editor and amateur photographer from Sandymount in Dublin, took this picture of the Poolbeg towers.

It quickly spread across the internet and caught our attention. NewsFour caught up with David to learn more about him.

What made you get into photography?

There were a few reasons, the main one would be that I really wanted to get a good picture of the Moon and Jupiter when they were close together about two years back. I had seen a lot of amazing images on the internet and knew a normal compact camera couldn’t do that sort of thing so I did a bit of research and asked a few photographer friends and it just ran from there.

Tell me about the Poolbeg moonshot picture? Was it just by chance that you caught it?

It was kind of by chance, I did want to get that shot for a while now but was working on a video shoot, luckily that finished earlier than I thought and I was on my way home with all my gear and saw I had about 30 minutes to moon rise, as it was nearly clear skies so I just headed for the beach and tracked the moon rise, heading down towards the Irishtown nature reserve till it got where I wanted it, I knew near where it would be but there was a bit of adjustment to get the shot right.

What did you think of the attention it got?

I’m amazed, it just shows the power of social networking. My girlfriend had been telling me to put my pictures on Twitter for a while so I only started two weeks ago. I really can’t believe it took off like that. I had friends telling me I was trending as a Twitter novice. I’m still not quite sure what to make of it but there’s been a lovely response. It’s a bit different to the safe world of Facebook where you know everyone.

Are you going to keep at it?

I don’t think I could ever stop now, it’s something that really relaxes me, can take your mind off everyday stuff and more than anything I enjoy it immensely.

Visit David’s website below to view more of his work.

Image courtesy David Costello
By Liam Cahill