April’s Photo Comp results in!

NewsFour April photo comp

Well done to Aisling McKevitt with the top vote of 17%!

NewsFour readers have cast their vote on which of April’s photos they prefer to reach the final! The top five voted photographs are to be picked each month and these get brought to the final in November, where the 12 best will be announced for the 2016 calendar.

Well done to Aisling McKevitt with the top vote of 17%. Her picture is featured above.


Second place went to Edward Murphy with 11% of the vote

newsfour photo comp April

Edward Murphy

Third place goes to Keith Manning with 9% of all April’s vote.

Keith Manning photo comp newsfour

Keith Manning

Fourth place goes to Sinead Hogan with this clever shot. Sinead had about 9% but one less vote than Keith.

Sinead hogan photo comp

Sinead Hogan

And we have a tie for fifth place with 8% each and exactly same amount of votes! Well done to Kim Flood and John Doyle.

photo comp newsfour Kim Flood

Kim Flood

John Doyle

John Doyle

Well done to all six winners who go to the final. All entrants sent some great photos so please keep them coming. May’s entries are open. You can send your photo about anything D4 related to newsfourphotocomp@gmail.com.

By Ferg Hayden

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