Vote on September’s Photo Comp Entries!


Here’s your chance to vote on September’s top 20 entries to the NewsFour Photo Competition!

This is the last month of entries. NewsFour’s readers can vote for their top five photos of each month. These five photos will go on to the final exhibition in November, where they will compete for a place in the NewsFour 2016 Calendar. Irish Times photographer Alan Betson will be acting as an independent judge, with his top three picks winning a €200 voucher for first place, a €100 for second, and third place winning a €75 voucher for Dublin Photography School.

Have a look through the photos below. Select up to five of your favourite photos and click on vote at the bottom of the poll when you are finished. You will then be able to see the results to date. The poll closes at 12pm on Tuesday October 6th.

survey service

Please share the page to your friends via Facebook and Twitter to let them know to vote!

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