The nights are closing in and as darkness falls it’s time to get ready for Oiche Samhan – All Hallow’s Eve.
For the ancient Irish and the Celts, Samhain was a spiritual time. It was regarded as the end of the harvest and a period of transition when the ‘veil’ between the Otherworld and the human world became less secure so that puka, banshees, fairies and other spirits could come and go quite freely. To ward off the evil let loose at Samhain, bonfires were lit and people wore ugly masks and disguises to confuse the spirits and stop the dead identifying individuals who they disliked during their own lifetime.
During the early modern era in Ireland the festival included mumming and guising, the latter of which goes back at least as far as the 16th century. This involved people going house-to-house in costume (or in disguise), usually reciting verses or songs in exchange for food. The “traditional illumination for guisers or pranksters abroad on the night in some places was provided by turnips or mangel wurzels, hollowed out to act as lanterns and often carved with grotesque faces to represent spirits or goblins”.
In recent times the festival has been westernized in ways and over commercialized. It is important for Ireland to respect and look after the traditions and roots while linking in modern excitement. Please remember Halloween is a fun time but can be scary for older and vulnerable people and domestic pets, especially with loud bangers and fireworks. Respect your neighbours, keep an eye out for the vulnerable, be very careful with any fireworks and only use in company of an adult and most of all keep your pet dogs and cats in and cosy. No tricks. Just treats. Happy Halloween everyone and Watch out for the veil rising. You might just get left on the other side. Stranger Things have happened. Don’t forget the Bram Stoker Festival where there is lots on for all the family in the city with four nights of deadly activity
Dublin City Council Community Section is working with all the villages in Dublin 4 in preparing to celebrate Halloween and the Harvest Festival. The following events will take place over the last two weeks in October:
Halloween & Harvest
Festival 2016
The Sandymount Tidy Towns Community Association STTCA is spooking up for the Halloween Scarecrow and Pumpkin Festival 2016. All business, residents and young people are invited to decorate and enter their shops and homes in Village competition with prizes for the scariest and most imaginative Halloween/ scarecrow theme. From Thursday 21st October all the way through to Halloween the village shops and houses will be decorated in the most fun and imaginative spooky themes. There will also be a special competition for the best carved pumpkins.
Friday 21 October 5-7pm
Christchurch Hall Sandymount
Pumpkin Festival Night
We launch our festival with the pumpkin night. Bring your special carved pumpkin to the Hall and the most creative pumpkins will be awarded one of our many special Halloween prizes.
Saturday 22 October
Autumn craft Fair, Children’s Fancy Dress Competition and Halloween Awards ceremony
On Saturday 23rd the Christchurch Autumn Craft Fair will take place all day in the Christchurch Hall.
A Fancy Dress competition will take place at 3pm beginning on Sandymount Green and following a Special spooky trail into Christchurch Hall where the best dressed will be awarded at the Scarecrow / Halloween Business and Residential awards evening at 5pm
Entry forms, details and rules for all competition are available at AIB Sandymount or by emailing or on facebook Sandymount Tidy towns Community Association.
Sunday 23 October
Sunday sees the annual Songs of Praise Harvest Festival in Christ Church followed by Harvest Supper in the Hall.
All events free to come to and enjoy the fun for all the family.
The Green and village will be especially decorated for Halloween from Fri 22nd to Nov 1st so be sure to come to Sandymount to see the amazing Scarecrows, Village Halloween themes in shops and houses and watch out for witches and goblins on Halloween night Oct 31st. The Green may see some very spooky going on’s…
Donnybrook Tidy Towns are getting soulful for this year’s celebrations.
Tuesday 25th October:
Halloween Sing a Long’ –Church of the Sacred Heart Donnybrook.
Sunday 30th October
Souls of Donnybrook 6.30 pm – 7:30pm.
At the main Plaza in Donnybrook an amazing laser light show by D4 DJ’s will take place, with a dance show and routine by Donnybrook Youth Club group.
There will also be a LED Balloon release to remember the names of all those who passed away in our community over the years, especially in the last year. The public are invited to write the name of their loved one on the balloons (biodegradable variety and free) and there will be a mass balloon release at the end.
This is a very poignant moment that allows us all remember those who have gone, around the Feast of All Souls Day. There will also be a Halloween costume competition for all who turn up with fabulous prizes.

Tuesday 25th October
Count Dracula Festival – George Reynolds House 7pm.

Monday 31st October
Whelan House & George Reynolds House Pumpkin festival.
Very few D4 residents grow pumpkins as well as our friends in Whelan House & George Reynolds House. The Pumpkin Festival will take place on Oct 31st when the local gardeners will harvest the pumpkins they have been minding all year and will celebrate with prizes for the biggest and best decorated.